John Nicholas Brown Center for Advanced Study
Collaborations and Initiatives
The JNBC advances innovative, rigorous research across multiple fields that engages the wider public through vibrant collaborations and initiatives.
Collaborations and Initiatives
The JNBC advances innovative, rigorous research across multiple fields that engages the wider public through vibrant collaborations and initiatives.
JNBC collaborations and initiatives support both Brown faculty and visiting scholars to build on and extend the university's areas of strategic strength by focusing on public engagement and discourse.
The Systemic Racism Project explains how systemic racism works in contemporary America to a wide and diverse public audience.
In Greek antiquity, a lesche (λέσχη) was a spot to hang out and chat. On this podcast, Brown University Professor of Classics Johanna Hanink hosts conversations with fellow Hellenists about their latest work in the field.
The Democratizing Knowledge Project is a program that offers grants on a competitive basis to Brown faculty and university initiatives that are focused specifically on engaging the broader public with cutting edge research.
The Office of the Provost, in conjunction with the John Nicholas Brown Center for Advanced Study, sponsors year-long fellowships for Brown University faculty members to conduct research on Brown University's historical legacy.
John Nicholas Brown Center for Advanced Study Nightingale-Brown House 357 Benefit Street Providence, RI 02903 |