John Nicholas Brown Center for Advanced Study

Call for Project Proposals

We welcome proposals for research and public programming dedicated to the broad public discussion and dissemination of cutting edge academic research across the full range of disciplines.

Awardees will work closely with the JNBC public engagement accelerator team to develop the most effective plan for communicating the most advanced academic research to the broader public. Proposals will be evaluated by the JNBC Faculty Advisory Board on the basis of  the overall importance of the research and the quality of the proposed ideas for communicating it to the broader public. Individual allocations are up to $5,000 and come with a supplement of up to $2,500 to support the development of a bespoke public engagement and communications plan and toolkit in collaboration with the JNBC public engagement accelerator team. 

The JNBC invites proposals of no more than 500 words that address the following general questions:

  • How is the academic research transforming the work being done in the field?
  • Why is the particular academic research significant to society broadly?
  • What are the strategies and means for communicating the importance of the research to a broader community?
  • How might the JNBC public engagement accelerator team support the project’s public engagement goals?

Please send inquiries and project proposals to with the subject line “Democratizing Knowledge Project."  We will begin reviewing proposals in March for the following academic year.